miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

#37 Compliment

Bc+ particles are B mesons made of a c (charmed) quark and a b (bottom or beauty) antiquark, so it is a meson that has a quantum number for 'charm' and for 'beauty'. Aren't they appropiate? The nicest kind of particle! I'll totally date them. For more information check Wikipedia.
This one is for a very special philosopher ;)

3 comentarios:

  1. Los físicos tenéis un extraño gusto para cosas con las que tendríais una cita.

  2. Thank you for your wonderful work! I am now starting to study particle physics in a closer way, and I love to come here and laugh and smile a lot with the pieces of art you share!
    Keep up the good work!

    Ester Simões (Porto, Portugal)

    1. Glad to read that someone appreciates my work! Particle physics is a fascinating subject that brings a lot of jokes :) Hope you keep enjoying the adventures of the kitty!
